Pheasant  A - Fasaani | Chlas Atelier
thumb Pheasant  A - Fasaani thumb | Chlas Atelier
thumb Pheasant  A - Fasaani thumb | Chlas Atelier
thumb Pheasant  A - Fasaani thumb | Chlas Atelier

Pheasant A - Fasaani

Size :
30 x 16 cm
Condition :
100% perfect
Page :
77 In the new Toikka book
Info :
This old bird was listed in 1994 - 2044, only e few are made, because of the size and price, about 300 - 400 pieces.

It is the 3e bird in line who was made with a split tail.
Oiva Toikka
Andries Copier
Floris Meydam
Siem van der Marel
Jan van der Vaart
Luiciene Bloch