Grebe - Uikku orange and blue  | Chlas Atelier
thumb Grebe - Uikku orange and blue  thumb | Chlas Atelier
thumb Grebe - Uikku orange and blue  thumb | Chlas Atelier
thumb Grebe - Uikku orange and blue  thumb | Chlas Atelier

Grebe - Uikku orange and blue

Size :
25 x 12 cm
Condition :
100% perfect
Page :
168 In the new Toikka book
Info :
Beautifull, RARE bird set orange and blue Grebe, both made in 2011.

The orange is 31-100 LTD numbered and only made for Tubbergen glass in the Netherlands.
The bue is is made just made for the Finland market only 200 pieces.


Oiva Toikka
Andries Copier
Floris Meydam
Siem van der Marel
Jan van der Vaart
Luiciene Bloch