Marsh Duck - Suosorsa pm | Chlas Atelier
thumb Marsh Duck - Suosorsa pm thumb | Chlas Atelier
thumb Marsh Duck - Suosorsa pm thumb | Chlas Atelier
thumb Marsh Duck - Suosorsa pm thumb | Chlas Atelier
thumb Marsh Duck - Suosorsa pm thumb | Chlas Atelier

Marsh Duck - Suosorsa pm

Size :
15 x 9 cm
Condition :
100% perfect
Page :
69 In the new Toikka book
Info :

Beautiful rare old bird, was listed from 1991 - 1997.


This bird only as mail order for sale, and not in the iittala shops, this is what pm means.

Oiva Toikka
Andries Copier
Floris Meydam
Siem van der Marel
Jan van der Vaart
Luiciene Bloch